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Failing at Dental Hygiene? Score an A+ at the Dentist With These Easy Tips

Posted May 16, 2022 in Oral Hygiene

3 Minute Read: 

Going to the dentist can make some people feel nervous or worried because they may have neglected to keep their teeth and gums in tip-top condition since their last appointment.

A+ circled

When your dentist asks you if you have been flossing, he or she already knows the answer to that question. Plaque or tartar buildup between the teeth and inflamed gums are clear signs that a patient is not performing proper at-home oral care

If you want to get the best report during your next dental visit, you must make certain practices a part of your daily hygiene routine

Contact Gentle Care Dentistry to schedule your and your child’s appointment today!

Woman holding toothbrush and glass of water

Establish a Healthy Oral Hygiene Routine With These Pro Tips

Your teeth need to be cared for every day using the recommended products for your unique condition or oral anatomy. 

Because it can be as long as six months before your next check-up appointment, it is crucial to keep your teeth and gums healthy at home. If you suffer from advanced oral conditions, such as periodontal disease, your dentist will likely give you instructions that are specific to you. 

While some patients may be asked to adopt more rigorous dental practices, a standard at-home cleaning routine involves brushing, flossing, and sometimes the use of mouthwash. 

Infographic with checklist of proper daily oral hygiene habits.

Pro Tip #1: Brushing Twice a Day 

Brush twice a day (in the morning and at night) with a soft bristle toothbrush for at least two minutes. Use the recommended fluoride toothpaste to strengthen and preserve tooth enamel. 

Patients are also advised to replace their toothbrush every three to four months and whenever the bristles appear distorted or frayed so that they can get the most out of their brushing. 

Are you brushing your teeth correctly? Learn more here.

Pro Tip #2: Flossing Once a Day 

Because a toothbrush cannot reach all of the surfaces of the teeth, particularly in between the teeth, flossing is necessary for optimal oral health. 

Flossing removes stubborn food particles and plaque, both of which can cause gingivitis. 

Be sure to floss carefully to avoid irritating the gums or exposing them to bacteria. 

Interested in learning more about how diet can affect your oral health?

Pro Tip #3: Use Mouthwash Regularly 

Using a rinse approved by your dentist can help prevent gingivitis and keep your breath fresh. Some products also have teeth whitening properties to give your smile a brighter appearance. 

Check the label on your mouthwash to find out when to use the product to get the best results. 

At-Home Dental Hygiene Is Not Enough: Talk to Your Dentist

dentist wearing gloves holding a toothbrush and model of a jaw showing how to properly brush teeth

If you are unsure how to establish an oral hygiene routine that works for you, feel free to talk to your dentist. 

During your annual checkup, your dentist can show you the best brushing and flossing techniques for your needs. Gentle Care Dentistry offers patients comprehensive six-month appointments that include a cleaning, checkup, and hygiene demonstration. 

We want to provide you with comfortable and friendly care so you get a healthy smile you can be proud of. 

Keeping your teeth clean in between your visits can improve your oral health and get you that A+ report you’ve been striving to achieve. 

Is It Time for Your Bi-Annual Check Up?

If you would like to schedule a dental exam appointment, please contact Gentle Care Dentistry by calling (575) 524-3722 or filling out our online contact form today.