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Why You Should Avoid Home Whitening “Hacks”

Posted January 21, 2020 in Teeth Whitening

3 Minute Read:

Today’s world moves fast. Keeping up with the times has taken on a whole new meaning with the rise of smartphones and social media. So, it is no surprise that life hacks—or easier ways to solve specific problems—are as popular as the online platforms they are on. 

Charcoal toothpaste may not accomplish all that it promises for teeth whitening.
Charcoal toothpaste may not accomplish all that it promises for teeth whitening.

Most of us dream of having a whiter smile, making at-home teeth whitening hacks like oil pulling an attractive alternative to costly professional services. Unfortunately, home whitening treatments may not be as effective as the Internet promises, and some can even damage your teeth. 

At Gentle Care Dentistry, professional teeth whitening services use the latest technology to deliver results that are powerful, effective, and immediately visible. 

Oil Pulling and Other Whitening Hacks 

Oil pulling involves swishing a tablespoon of oil through the teeth, much like a mouthwash. This practice dates back to ancient India and is supposed to provide benefits for oral health and hygiene. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence that oil pulling provides any noticeable benefits. For this reason, the American Dental Association does not recommend oil pulling as a dental hygiene practice 

Oil pulling and similar at-home hacks are attractive because of the lure of using something “all-natural” to get the results you want. However, just because something is natural does not mean it is beneficial. Although it is not harmful, you should not use oil pulling as an alternative to regularly brushing your teeth and flossing.

Strawberry Teeth Whitening

One increasingly popular whitening hack involves mixing strawberries with baking soda. This mixture is supposed to remove stains and brighten smiles. However, studies show that while the mix does remove some plaque and debris, it does not do much to whiten teeth.

Charcoal Teeth Whitening

It is certainly a visual spectacle—coal-black toothpaste wiping away years of stains to reveal a bright, white smile. But, while the use of activated charcoal to brighten teeth is certainly trendy, it is still unclear just how effective it is. 

There is still not enough data to truly show results from charcoal teeth whitening, and it is hard to know just how abrasive charcoal can be on enamel. For those reasons, it is best to steer clear of this home whitening hack.

Shining a Light on Teeth Whitening

From getting a full workout in 15 minutes to new ways to do your hair and makeup, there seems to be a life hack available for everything out there.

Some home treatments for teeth whitening, such as whitening toothpaste, can provide a slight brightening effect. There are also at-home whitening strips formulated with peroxide, which can erase some stains and remove plaque and tartar. 

Still, some things are better left to the professionals. 

Gentle Care Dentistry provides two professional teeth whitening services for their patients:

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Treatments 

UV light treatments use a specialized gel to harness powerful light waves to safely and effectively remove stains for a dazzling, whiter smile. Treatments are customized according to the level of bleaching needed and can be completed in a two-hour session. 

Custom Whitening Trays

These trays are customized to fit each patient’s unique bite and contain enough whitening gel to coat the teeth without touching the gums. Patients wear the trays for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, depending on need. 

Are You Interested in Professional Teeth Whitening? 

Some life hacks genuinely do what they intend to do; however, others have no real effect.

With professional whitening services, there is no need to turn to questionable hacks to get the bright, beautiful smile you have always wanted. 

Call our Las Cruces, New Mexico, office at 575-524-3722, or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation at Gentle Care Dentistry.